Saturday, July 12, 2008

Maybe Digg have a duplicate submissions...

I think one new feature that should be added is a way of telling submitters when someone has already beaten them to submitting a story. I don't know how it would work. Maybe it would scan for keywords, and if too many match they could put up a list of possible currently queued stories that might be duplicates. That way, submitters will see that someone has already submitted the story, and therefore there is no reason to submit it again themselves.

The reason why I say this is because of this picture. You will notice that I am on page 3 of a list of upcoiming stories that came up under the search term "tony snow". And every single one of hte previous ones were about his death. It went on to about half of page 4.

Surely if Digg had some sort of duplicate detecting feature, this many people would not have gone ahead and submitted their own, right?

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